Wiener Schnecken aus dem Hause Gugumuck

© Philipp Lipiarski /
AMA Forum Andreas Gugumuck
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Andreas lives with Maria, three children Lena, Sebastian and Konstantin, his mother Helga, and aunt Elisabeth together as a multi-generational family on the Gugumuck Farm.

Familie Gugumuck


He was soon collecting various prestigious awards for his Vienna Escargot farm.

2018 Senator in the Senate of Economy

In 2016, Austrian Minister Andrä Rupprechter conferred us the Award for Living Partnership between restaurants and producers at the “Regional aufgetischt” event.

2012 Best Young Farmer of Europe at the European Parliament

2012 Trophée Gourmet – Austrian Restaurant, Hotel, and Wine Businesses award

2011 Ark of Taste Award by an international Slow Food Commission

Andreas Gugumuck mit Elli Köstinger im Europäischen Parlament, Best Young Farmer. Weitere prestigeträchtige Auszeichnungen sind z.B. Senator im Senat der Wirtschaft und Tropheé GourmetMit Elli Köstinger im Europäischen Parlament


Andreas has been interested in the history of the Gugumuck Farm and of his ancestors from childhood on. He thought long and hard about what to make out of his grandmother Leopoldine’s farm. The idea for escargots sparked when he discovered the Schneckenkochbuch (Escargot Cookbook) by Gerd Wolfgang Sievers. For the first time, he read about the long tradition of eating escargots in Austria and about the Vienna Escargot Market.


Helga Gugumuck’s sons Andreas (center, in front of the pigsty) and Alexander grew up on the Gugumuck Farm. At first, neither boy thought about taking over the farm. Alexander became a business manager, and Andreas worked in information systems.

1977, Saustall mit Andreas Gugumuck lernte zunächst Wirtschaftsinformatiker und Bruder Alexander - lernte Betriebswirt, Kinder von Helga GugumuckIn der Mitte Andreas mit 3 Jahren


There were no early signs that Andreas would one day become a farmer. But one thing was clear — when he got an idea into his head, he showed great determination and dedication. Once a techno music producer, then a Vienna boxing champ (1999), now Vienna’s Snail King!

Andreas graduated from the TU Wien with a degree in Information Systems and worked for almost 10 years as a test and product manager in IT (Euro conversions, Paysafe Card, e-Card, e-finances for taxes and customs). But when he stumbled across the old tradition of escargot cuisine in Vienna it was clear: the opportunity for his grandmother Leopoldine’s farm that he had searched for so long had now been found. In 2008, he started out as a part-time farmer with a large outdoor snail cultivation operation, building up the brand of “Vienna Escargots”. He rapidly established himself in Vienna’s haute cuisine circles and was highly featured in the media. In 2010, Andreas left his IT career behind him and took over the family farm full-time. In 2014, he founded the Vienna Escargot Manufactory with the Farm Bistro and Farm Shop.